Journal of Information Technology in Construction
ITcon papers tagged with: bim
2025 |
Otranto R B, Miceli Junior G, Pellanda P C BIM-FM integration through openBIM: Solutions for interoperability towards efficient operations ITcon Vol. 30, pg. 298-318, |
2025 |
Urlainis A, Mitelman A Implementation of a BIM Workflow for Building Permit Coordination in Urban Metro Projects ITcon Vol. 30, pg. 319-334, |
2024 |
Pishdad P, Onungwa I O Analysis of 5D BIM for cost estimation, cost control and payments ITcon Vol. 29, pg. 525-548, |
2024 |
Johanna Söderlund, Oliwer Weber, Patrick Ericson, Annika Moscati Exploring the use of parametric design in the AEC sector to improve and ensure quality of drawings ITcon Vol. 29, pg. 850-863, |
2024 |
Biagini C, Bongini A, Marzi L From BIM to digital twin. IOT data integration in asset management platform ITcon Vol. 29, pg. 1103-1127, |
2024 |
Di Giuda G M, Meschini S, Gasbarri P, Accardo D, Tagliabue L C, Cacciaguerra E BIM, GIS and BI Tools for a university asset management system supporting space management, occupancy evaluation and optimization strategies ITcon Vol. 29, pg. 1128-1155, |
2024 |
Getuli V, D'Ascenzi E, Fiesoli I Intertwining digital design and neuroscience: a systematic review of quantitative parameters and tools for assessing user well-being in immersive experience ITcon Vol. 29, pg. 1257-1274, |
2024 |
Cassandro J, Mirarchi C, Zanchetta C, Pavan A Enhancing accuracy in cost estimation: structured cost data integration and model validation ITcon Vol. 29, pg. 1293-1325, |
2023 |
Doukari O, Scoditti E, Kassem M, Greenwood D A BIM-based Techno-Economic Framework and Tool for Evaluating and Comparing Building Renovation Strategies ITcon Vol. 28, pg. 246-265, |
2023 |
Toyin J O, Mewomo M C Overview of BIM contributions in the construction phase: review and bibliometric analysis ITcon Vol. 28, pg. 500-514, |
2023 |
Park C, Dawood N, Rahimian F P, Pedro A SPECIAL ISSUE EDITORIAL: The future of construction in the context of digital transformation (CONVR 2022) ITcon Vol. 28, pg. 515-518, |
2023 |
Nagatoishi M, Fruchter R Construction management in space: explore solution space of optimal schedule and cost estimate ITcon Vol. 28, pg. 597-621, |
2023 |
Borkowski A S Evolution of BIM: epistemology, genesis and division into periods ITcon Vol. 28, pg. 646-661, |
2023 |
Lawal O, Nawari N O Blockchain and City Information Modeling (CIM): A New Approach of Transparency and Efficiency ITcon Vol. 28, pg. 711-734, |
2022 |
Bruno S, Scioti A, Pierucci A, Rubino R, Di Noia T, Fatiguso F VERBUM – virtual enhanced reality for building modelling (virtual technical tour in digital twins for building conservation) ITcon Vol. 27, pg. 20-47, |
2022 |
Ghanem S Y Implementing virtual reality - building information modeling in the construction management curriculum ITcon Vol. 27, pg. 48-69, |
2022 |
Farghaly K, Soman R K, Collinge W, Mosleh M H, Manu P, Cheung C M Construction safety ontology development and alignment with industry foundation classes (IFC) ITcon Vol. 27, pg. 94-108, |
2022 |
Singh J, Anumba C J Real-time pipe system installation schedule generation and optimization using artificial intelligence and heuristic techniques ITcon Vol. 27, pg. 173-190, |
2022 |
Carmo C S T, Sotelino E D A framework for architecture and structural engineering collaboration in BIM projects through structural optimization ITcon Vol. 27, pg. 223-239, |
2022 |
Doukari O, Greenwood D, Rogage K, Kassem M Object-centred automated compliance checking: a novel, bottom-up approach ITcon Vol. 27, pg. 335-362, |
2022 |
Valero E, Bosché F, Bueno M Laser scanning for BIM ITcon Vol. 27, pg. 486-495, |
2022 |
Demir Altıntaş Y, İlal M E Integrating building and context information for automated zoning code checking: a review ITcon Vol. 27, pg. 548-570, |
2022 |
Zahedi A, Abualdenien J, Petzold F, Borrmann A BIM-based design decisions documentation using design episodes, explanation tags, and constraints ITcon Vol. 27, pg. 756-780, |
2021 |
Sibenik G, Kovacic I Interpreted open data exchange between architectural design and structural analysis models ITcon Vol. 26, pg. 39-57, |
2021 |
Alshammari K, Beach T, Rezgui Y Cybersecurity for digital twins in the built environment: current research and future directions ITcon Vol. 26, pg. 159-173, |
2021 |
Häußler M, Borrmann A Knowledge-based engineering in the context of railway design by integrating BIM, BPMN, DMN and the methodology for knowledge-based engineering applications (MOKA) ITcon Vol. 26, pg. 193-226, |
2021 |
Watfa M K, Hawash A E, Jaafar K Using Building Information & Energy Modelling for Energy Efficient Designs ITcon Vol. 26, pg. 427-440, |
2021 |
Karimi S, Iordanova I, St-Onge D Ontology-based approach to data exchanges for robot navigation on construction sites ITcon Vol. 26, pg. 546-565, |
2021 |
Kalutara P, London K, Taylor C Significance of a software interoperability matrix for architectural engineering and construction industry ITcon Vol. 26, pg. 739-757, |
2021 |
Khanna M, Elghaish F, McIlwaine S, Brooks T Feasibility of implementing IPD approach for infrastructure projects in developing countries ITcon Vol. 26, pg. 902-921, |
2021 |
Dalui P, Elghaish F, Brooks T, McIlwaine S Integrated Project Delivery with BIM: A Methodical Approach Within the UK Consulting Sector ITcon Vol. 26, pg. 922-935, |
2021 |
Habte B, Guyo E Application of BIM for structural engineering: a case study using Revit and customary structural analysis and design software ITcon Vol. 26, pg. 1009-1022, |
2021 |
Gade P N, Svidt K Exploration of practitioner experiences of flexibility and transparency to improve BIM-based model checking systems ITcon Vol. 26, pg. 1041-1060, |
2020 |
Sanchís-Pedregosa C, Vizcarra-Aparicio J-M, Leal-Rodríguez A L BIM: a technology acceptance model in Peru ITcon Vol. 25, pg. 99-108, |
2020 |
Halttula H, Haapasalo H, Silvola R Managing data flows in infrastructure projects - the lifecycle process model ITcon Vol. 25, pg. 193-211, |
2020 |
Shalabi F, Turkan Y BIM–energy simulation approach for detecting building spaces with faults and problematic behavior ITcon Vol. 25, pg. 342-360, |
2020 |
Tallgren M V, Roupé M, Johansson M, Bosch-Sijtsema P BIM-tool development enhancing collaborative scheduling for pre-construction ITcon Vol. 25, pg. 374-397, |
2020 |
Novembri G, Rossini F L Swarm modelling framework to improve design support systems capabilities ITcon Vol. 25, pg. 398-415, |
2020 |
Ilhan Jones B A study of Building Information Modeling (BIM) uptake and proposed evaluation framework ITcon Vol. 25, pg. 452-468, |
2019 |
Dakhil A, Underwood J, Al Shawi M Critical success competencies for the BIM implementation process: UK construction clients ITcon Vol. 24, pg. 80-94, |
2019 |
Nawari NO, Ravindran S Blockchain technology and BIM process: review and potential applications ITcon Vol. 24, pg. 209-238, |
2019 |
Butkovic B, Heesom D, Oloke D The need for multi-LOD 4D simulations in construction projects ITcon Vol. 24, pg. 256-272, |
2019 |
Lemaire C, Rivest L, Boton C, Danjou, C, Braesch C, Nyffenegger F Analyzing BIM topics and clusters through ten years of scientific publications ITcon Vol. 24, pg. 273-298, |
2019 |
Zadeh P A, Wei L, Dee A, Pottinger R, Staub-French S BIM-CITYGML data integration for modern urban challenges ITcon Vol. 24, pg. 318-340, |
2019 |
Arendt A, Ilikchyan A, Warcup R An exploratory study of awareness and perceived relevance of GIS among general contractors in the USA ITcon Vol. 24, pg. 341-359, |
2019 |
Munir M, Kiviniemi A, Jones SW, Finnegan S BIM business value generation theory: a grounded theory approach ITcon Vol. 24, pg. 406-423, |
2019 |
Niknam M, Jalaei F, Karshenas S Integrating BIM and product manufacturer data using the semantic web technologies ITcon Vol. 24, pg. 424-439, |
2019 |
Cecchini C From data to 3D digital archive: a GIS-BIM spatial database for the historical centre of Pavia (Italy) ITcon Vol. 24, pg. 459-471, |
2019 |
Michaud M, Forgues E-C, Carignan V, Forgues D, Ouellet-Plamondon C A lean approach to optimize BIM information flow using value stream mapping ITcon Vol. 24, pg. 472-488, |
2018 |
Jung N, Häkkinen T, Rekola M Extending capabilities of BIM to support performance based design ITcon Vol. 23, pg. 16-52, |
2018 |
Acquah R, Eyiah A K, Oteng D Acceptance of Building Information Modelling: a survey of professionals in the construction industry in Ghana ITcon Vol. 23, pg. 75-91, |
2018 |
Mejlænder-Larsen Ø Improving collaboration between engineering and construction in detail engineering using a project execution model and BIM ITcon Vol. 23, pg. 324-339, |
2017 |
Gerges M, Austin S, Mayouf M, Ahiakwo O, Jaeger M, Saad A, Gohary T-E An investigation into the implementation of Building Information Modeling in the Middle East ITcon Vol. 22, pg. 1-15, |
2017 |
Albahri A H, Hammad A A novel method for calculating camera coverage in buildings using BIM ITcon Vol. 22, pg. 16-33, |
2017 |
Thabet W, Lucas JD A 6-step systematic process for model-based facility data delivery ITcon Vol. 22, pg. 104-131, |
2017 |
Tezel A, Aziz Z From conventional to IT based visual management: a conceptual discussion for lean construction ITcon Vol. 22, pg. 220-246, |
2016 |
Merschbrock C, Nordahl-Rolfsen C BIM Technology acceptance among reinforcement workers – The case of Oslo Airport’s terminal 2 ITcon Vol. 21, pg. 1-12, |
2016 |
Nepal M P, Staub-French S Supporting Knowledge-Intensive Construction Management Tasks in BIM ITcon Vol. 21, pg. 13-38, |
2016 |
McCuen T, Pober E Process and structure: performance impacts on collaborative interdisciplinary team experiences ITcon Vol. 21, pg. 177-187, |
2016 |
Palomera-Arias R, Liu R BIM laboratory exercises for a MEP systems course in a construction science and management program ITcon Vol. 21, pg. 188-203, |
2016 |
Abdirad H, Dossick C S BIM curriculum design in architecture, engineering, and construction education: a systematic review ITcon Vol. 21, pg. 250-271, |
2016 |
Parsanezhad P, Tarandi V, Lund R Formalized requirements management in the briefing and design phase, A pivotal review of literature ITcon Vol. 21, pg. 272-291, |
2016 |
Bannier P, Jin H, Goodrum P M Modeling of work envelope requirements in the piping and steel trades and the influence of global anthropomorphic characteristics ITcon Vol. 21, pg. 292-314, |
2016 |
Solihin W, Eastman C A knowledge representation approach in BIM rule requirement analysis using the conceptual graph ITcon Vol. 21, pg. 370-401, |
2016 |
Patacas J, Dawood N, Greenwood D, Kassem M Supporting building owners and facility managers in the validation and visualisation of asset information models (AIM) through open standards and open technologies ITcon Vol. 21, pg. 434-455, |
2016 |
Jiang L, Leicht R M Supporting automated constructability checking for formwork construction: an ontology ITcon Vol. 21, pg. 456-478, |
2015 |
Tauscher H, Scherer RJ Specifying complex visualization configurations with hierarchically nested mapping rule sets ITcon Vol. 20, pg. 40-50, |
2015 |
Tauriainen MK, Puttonen JA, Saari AJ The assessment of constructability: BIM cases ITcon Vol. 20, pg. 51-67, |
2015 |
van Berlo LAHM, Natrop M BIM on the construction site: providing hidden information on task specific drawings ITcon Vol. 20, pg. 97-106, |
2015 |
Alhava O, Laine E, Kiviniemi A Intensive big room process for co-creating value in legacy construction projects ITcon Vol. 20, pg. 146-158, |
2015 |
Nour M, Hosny O, Elhakeem A A BIM based approach for configuring buildings' outer envelope energy saving elements ITcon Vol. 20, pg. 173-192, |
2015 |
Patacas J, Dawood N, Vukovic V, Kassem M BIM for facilities management: evaluating BIM standards in asset register creation and service life ITcon Vol. 20, pg. 313-331, |
2015 |
Hooper M BIM standardisation efforts - the case of Sweden ITcon Vol. 20, pg. 332-346, |
2015 |
Jalaei F, Jrade A, Nassiri M Integrating Decision Support System (DSS) and Building Information Modeling (BIM) to Optimize the Selection of Sustainable Building Components ITcon Vol. 20, pg. 399-420, |
2015 |
Jiang Y, Yu N, Ming J, Lee S, DeGraw J, Yen J, Messner J I, Wu D Automatic building information model query generation ITcon Vol. 20, pg. 518-535, |
2014 |
Wong J, Wang X, Li H, Chan G, Li H A review of cloud-based BIM technology in the construction sector ITcon Vol. 19, pg. 281-291, |
2014 |
Xu X, Ding L, Luo H, Ma L From building information modeling to city information modeling ITcon Vol. 19, pg. 292-307, |
2014 |
Goulding JS, Rahimian FP, Wang X Virtual reality-based cloud BIM platform for integrated AEC projects ITcon Vol. 19, pg. 308-325, |
2014 |
Liu R, Du J, Issa RRA Cloud-based deep immersive game for human egress data collection: a framework ITcon Vol. 19, pg. 336-349, |
2014 |
Abrishami S, Goulding JS, Rahimian FP, Ganah A Integration of BIM and generative design to exploit AEC conceptual design innovation ITcon Vol. 19, pg. 350-359, |
2014 |
Hou L, Wang X, Wang J, Truijens M An integration framework of advanced technologies for productivity improvement for LNG mega-projects ITcon Vol. 19, pg. 360-382, |
2014 |
Jalaei F, Jrade A Integrating Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Energy Analysis Tools with Green Building Certification System to Conceptually Design Sustainable Buildings ITcon Vol. 19, pg. 494-519, |
2014 |
Wu S, Wood G, Ginige K, Jong SW A technical review of BIM based cost estimating in UK quantity surveying practice, standards and tools ITcon Vol. 19, pg. 534-562, |
2013 |
Hassan Ibrahim N Reviewing the evidence: use of digital collaboration technologies in major building and infrastructure projects ITcon Vol. 18, pg. 40-63, |
2013 |
Shafiq MT, Matthews J, Lockley SR A study of BIM collaboration requirements and available features in existing model collaboration systems ITcon Vol. 18, pg. 148-161, |
2012 |
Ole Berard, Jan Karlshoej Information delivery manuals to integrate building product information into design ITcon Vol. 17, pg. 63-74, |
2012 |
Mikael Laakso, Arto Kiviniemi THE IFC STANDARD - A REVIEW OF HISTORY, DEVELOPMENT, AND STANDARDIZATION ITcon Vol. 17, pg. 134-161, |
2012 |
Sidawi B, Hamza N Intelligent knowledge-based repository to support informed design decision making ITcon Vol. 17, pg. 308-318, |
2012 |
Javier Irizarry, Ebrahim P Karan Optimizing location of tower cranes on construction sites through GIS and BIM integration ITcon Vol. 17, pg. 351-366, |
2012 |
Tina Karrbom Gustavsson, Olle Samuelson, Örjan Wikforss Organizing it in construction: present state and future challenges in Sweden ITcon Vol. 17, pg. 520-534, |
2011 |
Graham Brewer, Thayaparan Gajendram Attitudinal, behavioural, and cultural impacts on e-business use in a project team: a case study ITcon Vol. 16, pg. 637-652, |
2010 |
Shen Z, Issa R R A Quantitative evaluation of the BIM-assisted construction detailed cost estimates ITcon Vol. 15, pg. 234-257, |
2009 |
Ku K, Pollalis S Contractual standards for enhanced geometry control in model-based collaboration ITcon Vol. 14, pg. 366-384, |
2009 |
Björk B-C RATAS, a longitudinal case study of an early construction IT roadmap project ITcon Vol. 14, pg. 385-399, |
2009 |
Suermann P, Issa R Evaluating industry perceptions of building information modelling (BIM) impact on construction ITcon Vol. 14, pg. 574-594, |
2009 |
Paul N, Borrmann A Geometrical and topological approaches in building information modelling ITcon Vol. 14, pg. 705-723, |
2009 |
Nour M Performance of different (BIM/IFC) exchange formats within private collaborative workspace for collaborative work ITcon Vol. 14, pg. 736-752, |
2008 |
Manning R, Messner J Case studies in BIM implementation for programming of healthcare facilities ITcon Vol. 13, pg. 246-257, |
2008 |
Ku K, Pollalis S, Fischer M, Shelden D 3D model-based collaboration in design development and construction of complex shaped buildings ITcon Vol. 13, pg. 258-285, |
2008 |
Leicht R, Messner J Moving toward an intelligent shop modeling process ITcon Vol. 13, pg. 286-302, |