Journal of Information Technology in Construction
ITcon papers authored by: Van
2025 |
Pham Van B, Wong P, Abbasnejad B A systematic review of criteria influencing the integration of BIM and Immersive Technology in building projects ITcon Vol. 30, pg. 243-297, |
2015 |
van Berlo LAHM, Natrop M BIM on the construction site: providing hidden information on task specific drawings ITcon Vol. 20, pg. 97-106, |
2010 |
Métral C, Billen R, Cutting-Decelle A-F, van Ruymbeke M Ontology-based approaches for improving the interoperability between 3D urban models ITcon Vol. 15, pg. 169-184, |
2009 |
van Nederveen S, Gielingh W Modelling the life-cycle of sustainable, living buildings ITcon Vol. 14, pg. 674-691, |
2002 |
Van Leeuwen JP, Fridqvist S Supporting Collaborative Design by Type Recognition and Knowledge Sharing ITcon Vol. 7, pg. 167-182, |
2001 |
van Nederveen S and Tolman F Neutral Object Tree Support For Inter-Discipline Communication In Large-Scale Construction ITcon Vol. 6, pg. 35-44, |
2001 |
Tolman F, Böhms M, Lima C, van Rees R, Fleuren J and Stephens J eConstruct: expectations, solutions and results ITcon Vol. 6, pg. 175-197, |