ITcon Vol. 30, pg. 243-297,

A systematic review of criteria influencing the integration of BIM and Immersive Technology in building projects

submitted:May 2024
revised:February 2025
published:March 2025
editor(s):Amor R
authors:Bao Pham Van, PhD Candidate
School of Property, Construction and Project Management, RMIT, Australia

Peter Wong, Professor
School of Property, Construction and Project Management, RMIT, Australia

Behzad Abbasnejad, Dr
School of Property, Construction and Project Management, RMIT, Australia
summary:Integrating Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Immersive Technologies (ImT) provides several benefits, such as the inclusion of clients in the design process, thereby improving construction management practices. BIM's propensity for digital data management, coupled with ImT's enhanced communication and coordination capabilities, addresses inherent issues like fragmentation and collaboration challenges in construction projects. While prior studies have primarily examined BIM and ImT individually, limited research has explored the synergistic integration of these two technologies and the potential benefits they can offer when combined in the context of architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry. This paper reviews strategies and prospects for integrating BIM and ImT in the existing construction management literature, aiming to identify and categorize key socio-technical criteria that support the successful integration of BIM and ImT. A Systematic Literature Review (SLR) was accordingly employed, following PRISMA guidelines, analyzing 56 academic journals from Scopus and the ASCE Library databases on BIM and ImT integration in building projects from 2013 to May 2023. The results reveal various attributes of BIM and ImT integration, including the use of BIM-related software like Autodesk Revit, ImT hardware like Oculus Rift and HTC Vive, game engines like Unity3D, data standards like FBX, and collaborative platforms like Autodesk BIM 360 and Trimble Connect. Essential technical criteria were identified from these aspects: emphasizing software system integration and hardware optimization for seamless data exchange, alongside non-technical criteria focusing on user engagement, learning, and effective stakeholder collaboration. The study also highlights significant gaps, such as the need for standardized methodologies, more detailed technical discussions, and user-centric strategies, pinpointing areas for further exploration to refine BIM and ImT integration practices while providing valuable insights into the adoption and efficacy of digital transformation strategies in the AEC sector.
keywords:Building Information Modeling, Immersive Technology, Systematic Literature Review, Influential Criteria, Building Projects
full text: (PDF file, 1.469 MB)
citation:Pham Van B, Wong P, Abbasnejad B (2025). A systematic review of criteria influencing the integration of BIM and Immersive Technology in building projects, ITcon Vol. 30, pg. 243-297,