ITcon Volume 4 (1999)

1 Clark AM, Atkin BL, Betts MP, Smith DA
Benchmarking the Use of IT to Support Supplier Management in Construction
ITcon Vol. 4, pg. 1-16,
2 Froese, T, Fischer M, Grobler H, Ritzenthaler J, Yu K, Sutherland S, Staub S, Akinci B, Akbas R, Koo B, Barron A, Kunz J
Industry Foundation Classes for Project Management - A Trial Implementation
ITcon Vol. 4, pg. 17-36,
3 Faraj I and Alshawi M
A Modularised Integrated Computer Environment for the Construction Industry: SPACE
ITcon Vol. 4, pg. 37-52,
4 Zarli A and Richaud O
Requirements and Technology Integration for IT-Based Business-Oriented Frameworks in Building and Construction
ITcon Vol. 4, pg. 53-75,