summary: | This special edition of Information Technology in Construction is focuses on new realities in construction. The editors have curated a series of papers intended to provoke speculation on the potential future of construction in the 21st Century and beyond. This edition grew from ConVR 2018: Evolving Construction, a conference held in Auckland, New Zealand. Where researchers reported on ideas, innovations and applications for virtual and augmented reality for construction. Authors of excellent papers were invited to extend their submission for publication in this special edition. Thus, this issue presents a glimpse into the state of research focused on construction and specifically the topic of ‘virtual and augmented reality’ in its broadest sense.
The Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) sector is age-old, comprises a variety of stakeholders and professions and is worth trillions of dollars globally. It is also a fiercely complex and risky business, which is highly regulated, because of this, change and innovation can occur slowly. However, we are now in the 21st century, a century that has come to be defined by fast changing technology. What are the implications for the AEC industry? |