ITcon Vol. 17, pg. 93-102,

Problems and barriers of ICT utilization on Iranian construction sites: Case study on the successful use of ICT in remote construction sites

submitted:March 2011
published:May 2012
editor(s):Egbu C., Sidawi B.
authors:Ali Alaghbandrad, M.Sc. Student,
Department of Construction Engineering and Management, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad
University, Tehran, Iran
email: a.alaghbandrad

Ehsan Asnaashari, PhD Candidate,
School of Architecture, Design and the Built Environment, Nottingham Trent university, Nottingham, UK

Christopher Preece, Professor,
Department of Civil Engineering, Razak School of Engineering & Advanced Technology, Universiti
Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), International Campus, Jalan Semarak, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
summary:To clarify the current situation of ICT utilization in the Iranian construction industry, twelve semistructuredinterviews were conducted with highly-experienced construction practitioners and ICT developers inthe Iranian construction industry from 2009 to 2010. Interviews were qualitatively analyzed and a narrativeinterpretation was developed. Results obtained during this survey included identifying the barriers for ICTutilization in the Iranian construction organizations. The problems and barriers were divided into three groups:barriers for ICT usage in construction sites, barriers for ICT usage in head offices and common barriers of ICTusage in construction sites and head offices. This paper will discuss the barriers for ICT usage in constructionsites. Some of the interviewees mentioned their company advances in ICT application and overcoming thebarriers and problems. This paper focuses on a case study of a successful construction firm in the ICT utilizationand overcoming the barriers of ICT adoption on remote construction sites. A study on ICT application inconstruction projects of this company can draw a pattern for other similar construction firms in Iran and.
keywords:case study, construction project, ICT barriers, ICT utilization, Iran
full text: (PDF file, 0.288 MB)
citation:Alaghbandrad A, Asnaashari E, Preece C (2012). Problems and barriers of ICT utilization on Iranian construction sites: Case study on the successful use of ICT in remote construction sites, ITcon Vol. 17, Special issue Management of remote construction sites and the role of IT Systems, pg. 93-102,