ITcon Vol. 11, pg. 641-654,

The application of a panorama image database management systems (PIDMS) for information integration on construction sites

submitted:September 2004
revised:October 2005
published:August 2006
editor(s):Anumba C
authors:Naai-Jung Shih, professor
Department of Architecture, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology

Jen-Ta Lai, graduate student
Department of Architecture, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology

Yau-Liang Tsai
EeRise Corp
summary:This study developed a panorama image database management system (PIDMS) to manage construction-related records. A set of panorama cameras was used to record panorama images and videos for the inspection and management of working schedule, manpower, materials, or machinery. Users can log in as construction site managers, contractors, general users, designers, draftspersons, or system managers through a browsing interface. The system is made according to functions, such as real-time monitoring, image labelling, working drawing browsing, video indexing, and construction recording. Three levels of application were developed.
keywords:panoramas, construction supervision.
full text: (PDF file, 1.236 MB)
citation:Shih N-J, Lai J-T and Tsai Y-L (2006). The application of a panorama image database management systems (PIDMS) for information integration on construction sites, ITcon Vol. 11, pg. 641-654,