Journal of Information Technology in Construction
ITcon papers tagged with: project management
2025 |
Khodabakhshian A, Re Cecconi F, Lopez Droguett E Probabilistic risk identification and assessment model for construction projects using elicitation based bayesian network ITcon Vol. 30, pg. 185-212, |
2024 |
Seyis S, Özkan S Analyzing the added value of common data environments for organizational and project performance of BIM-based projects ITcon Vol. 29, pg. 247-263, |
2021 |
Uotila U, Saari A, Junnonen J-M Investigating the barriers to laser scanning implementation in building refurbishment ITcon Vol. 26, pg. 249-262, |
2020 |
Novembri G, Rossini F L Swarm modelling framework to improve design support systems capabilities ITcon Vol. 25, pg. 398-415, |
2012 |
Tina Karrbom Gustavsson, Olle Samuelson, Örjan Wikforss Organizing it in construction: present state and future challenges in Sweden ITcon Vol. 17, pg. 520-534, |
2011 |
Faisal Manzoor Arain, Martha Burkle Learning construction project management in the virtual world: leveraging on second life ITcon Vol. 16, pg. 243-258, |
2011 |
Derar Eleyan, Peri Loucopoulos A dynamic model for project review in the construction industry ITcon Vol. 16, pg. 577-600, |
2007 |
Nitithamyong P and Skibniewski M J Key success/failure factors and their impacts on system performance of web-based project management systems in construction ITcon Vol. 12, pg. 39-59, |
2006 |
Otjacques B, Noirhomme M and Feltz F Taxonomy of the visualization techniques of project related interactions ITcon Vol. 11, pg. 587-605, |
2003 |
Andresen J L, Christensen K, Howard R W Project management with a project web ITcon Vol. 8, pg. 29-41, |
1999 |
Froese, T, Fischer M, Grobler H, Ritzenthaler J, Yu K, Sutherland S, Staub S, Akinci B, Akbas R, Koo B, Barron A, Kunz J Industry Foundation Classes for Project Management - A Trial Implementation ITcon Vol. 4, pg. 17-36, |