ITcon papers tagged with: management

2019 Munir M, Kiviniemi A, Jones SW, Finnegan S
BIM business value generation theory: a grounded theory approach
ITcon Vol. 24, pg. 406-423,
2007 Wikforss Ö and Löfgren A
Rethinking communication in construction
ITcon Vol. 12, pg. 337-346,
2006 Arain F M and Pheng L S
A knowledge-based system as a decision making tool for effective management of variations and design improvement: leveraging on information technology applications
ITcon Vol. 11, pg. 373-392,
1999 Clark AM, Atkin BL, Betts MP, Smith DA
Benchmarking the Use of IT to Support Supplier Management in Construction
ITcon Vol. 4, pg. 1-16,