ITcon papers tagged with: integration

2024 Pishdad P, Onungwa I O
Analysis of 5D BIM for cost estimation, cost control and payments
ITcon Vol. 29, pg. 525-548,
2021 Habte B, Guyo E
Application of BIM for structural engineering: a case study using Revit and customary structural analysis and design software
ITcon Vol. 26, pg. 1009-1022,
2013 Hassan Ibrahim N
Reviewing the evidence: use of digital collaboration technologies in major building and infrastructure projects
ITcon Vol. 18, pg. 40-63,
2009 Flager F, Welle B, Bansal P, Soremekun G, Haymaker J
Multidisciplinary process integration and design optimization of a classroom building
ITcon Vol. 14, pg. 595-612,
2006 Horne M and Hamza N
Integration of virtual reality within the built environment curriculum
ITcon Vol. 11, pg. 311-324,
2004 Haymaker J, Fischer M, Kunz J and Suter B
Engineering test cases to motivate the formalization of an AEC project model as a directed acyclic graph of views and dependencies
ITcon Vol. 9, pg. 419-441,
2003 Owolabi A, Anumba C J and El-Hamalawi A
Architecture for implementing IFC-based online construction product libraries
ITcon Vol. 8, pg. 201-218,
1999 Froese, T, Fischer M, Grobler H, Ritzenthaler J, Yu K, Sutherland S, Staub S, Akinci B, Akbas R, Koo B, Barron A, Kunz J
Industry Foundation Classes for Project Management - A Trial Implementation
ITcon Vol. 4, pg. 17-36,
1999 Faraj I and Alshawi M
A Modularised Integrated Computer Environment for the Construction Industry: SPACE
ITcon Vol. 4, pg. 37-52,