Journal of Information Technology in Construction
ITcon papers tagged with: construction industry
2025 |
Khudzari F, Haron A T, Ayer S K, Rahman R A Transformative trajectories: PLS-SEM analysis of factors influencing emerging technologies in construction adoption in Malaysia ITcon Vol. 30, pg. 45-64, |
2025 |
Khodabakhshian A, Re Cecconi F, Lopez Droguett E Probabilistic risk identification and assessment model for construction projects using elicitation based bayesian network ITcon Vol. 30, pg. 185-212, |
2024 |
Jäkel J-I, Fischerkeller F, Oberhoff T, Klemt-Albert K Development of a Maturity Model for the Digital transformation of companies in the context of Construction Industry 4.0 ITcon Vol. 29, pg. 778-809, |
2023 |
Shinde Y, Lee K, Kiper B, Simpson M, Hasanzadeh S A Systematic Literature Review on 360° Panoramic Applications in Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) Industry ITcon Vol. 28, pg. 405-437, |
2022 |
Tanga O, Akinradewo O, Aigbavboa C, Thwala D Cyber attack risks to construction data management in the fourth industrial revolution era: a case of Gauteng province, South Africa ITcon Vol. 27, pg. 845-863, |
2020 |
Sujan S F, Wynford Jones S, Kiviniemi A, Wheatcroft J M, Mwiya B Holistically assessing collaborative culture in the AEC industry ITcon Vol. 25, pg. 272-286, |
2019 |
Bademosi F, Blinn N, Issa R R A Use of augmented reality technology to enhance comprehension of construction assemblies ITcon Vol. 24, pg. 58-79, |
2018 |
Acquah R, Eyiah A K, Oteng D Acceptance of Building Information Modelling: a survey of professionals in the construction industry in Ghana ITcon Vol. 23, pg. 75-91, |
2015 |
Ibem E O, Laryea S e-Procurement use in the South African construction industry ITcon Vol. 20, pg. 364-384, |
2014 |
Costa R, Lima C Knowledge representations with ontology support for collaborative engineering in architecture engineering and construction ITcon Vol. 19, pg. 434-461, |
2013 |
Chen Y, Ruikar K D, Carrillo P M Strategic e-business framework: a holistic approach for organisations in the construction industry ITcon Vol. 18, pg. 306-320, |
2012 |
Jason Underwood, Farzad Khosrowshahi ITC expenditure and trends in the UK construction industry in facing the challenges of the global economic crisis ITcon Vol. 17, pg. 25-42, |
2012 |
Mikael Laakso, Arto Kiviniemi THE IFC STANDARD - A REVIEW OF HISTORY, DEVELOPMENT, AND STANDARDIZATION ITcon Vol. 17, pg. 134-161, |
2010 |
Attar G, Sweiss R The relationship between information technology adoption and job satisfaction in contracting companies in Jordan ITcon Vol. 15, pg. 44-63, |
2009 |
Erdogan B, Abbott C, Aouad G, Kazi A S Construction IT in 2030: a scenario planning approach ITcon Vol. 14, pg. 540-555, |
2008 |
Samuelson O The IT-barometer a decade's development of IT use in the Swedish construction sector ITcon Vol. 13, pg. 1-19, |
2007 |
Zhu Y and Wang Y The organization of information standards in the Chinese construction industry ITcon Vol. 12, pg. 207-219, |
2007 |
Oladapo A A An investigation into the use of ICT in the Nigerian construction industry ITcon Vol. 12, pg. 261-277, |
2007 |
Tas E and Irlayici F P A survey of the use of IT ın buıldıng product ınformatıon acquısıtıon ın Turkey ITcon Vol. 12, pg. 323-335, |
2005 |
Goh B H IT barometer 2003: survey of the Singapore construction industry and a comparison of results ITcon Vol. 10, pg. 1-13, |
2002 |
Samuelson O IT-Barometer 2000 - The Use of IT in the Nordic Construction Industry ITcon Vol. 7, pg. 1-26, |
2002 |
Wetherill M, Rezgui Y, Lima C, Zarli A Knowledge management for the construction industry: the e-cognos project ITcon Vol. 7, pg. 183-196, |
2002 |
Lim Y M, Rashid A Z, Ang C N, Wong C Y and Wong S L A survey of Internet usage in the Malaysian construction industry ITcon Vol. 7, pg. 259-269, |
2001 |
Aspin R, DaDalto L, Fernando T, Gobbetti E, Marache M, Shelbourn M and Soubra S A conceptual framework for multi-modal interactive virtual workspace ITcon Vol. 6, pg. 149-162, |
1998 |
Rob Howard, Arto Kiviniemi, Olle Samuelson Surveys of IT in the Construction Industry and Experience of the IT Barometer in Scandinavia ITcon Vol. 3, pg. 47-59, |