ITcon papers tagged with: construction education

2025 Khalid M, Akanmu A, Murzi H, Awolusi I
Enhancing computational thinking in construction education: The role of sensor data analytics with block-based programming
ITcon Vol. 30, pg. 65-91,
2025 Khalid M, Akanmu A, Afolabi A, Murzi H, Awolusi I, Agee P
Design and Usability Evaluation of an End User Programming Environment for Equipping Construction Students with Sensor Data Analytics Skills
ITcon Vol. 30, pg. 213-242,
2023 Shojaei A, Ly R, Rokooei S, Mahdavian A, Al-Bayati A
Virtual site visits in Construction Management education: A practical alternative to physical site visits
ITcon Vol. 28, pg. 692-710,
2022 Mastrolembo Ventura S, Castronovo F, Nikolić D, Ciribini A L C
Implementation of virtual reality in construction education: a content-analysis based literature review
ITcon Vol. 27, pg. 705-731,
2021 Shojaei A, Rokooei S, Mahdavian A, Carson L, Ford G
Using immersive video technology for construction management content delivery: a pilot study
ITcon Vol. 26, pg. 886-901,
2020 Lucas J
Rapid development of Virtual Reality based construction sequence simulations: a case study
ITcon Vol. 25, pg. 72-86,
2016 Leite F
Project-based learning in a building information modeling for construction management course
ITcon Vol. 21, pg. 164-176,
2008 Obonyo EA, Wu W
Using web-based knowledge forums to internationalize construction education
ITcon Vol. 13, pg. 212-223,